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1)Carrying forward its legacy of fifty years in the field of quality education, the Khaitan Group has ventured into the genre of Early Childhood Education. 2)Children are at the heart of all that we do; by carefully nurturing, we encourage, confident, happy learners who are excited about the world they live in, are free to explore and observe the environment and use the learning resources to enhance their understanding, imagination and creativity. 3) The well researched curriculum is designed on the educational philosophy of eminent educational philosophers; to name a few, Maria Montessori, John Dewey, Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson, Jean Pigaet, and is based on the fundamental guideline ‘play and learn’. We give impetus to an engaging pedagogy and exciting stimuli, sensorial exposure, free play that involves thinking, opportunities for hands-on-learning experiences, playing with three-dimensional objects, imaginative and role play, social play with peers, self initiated play, play that involve arms and legs movements etc., are adopted to keep children happy and excited.
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Note: We don't have all detail about KHAITAN PRE SCHOOL as of now, information displayed is based on data available in public domain. Our support team is in process of verifying school detail earliest possible. Once we know number of teachers and staff in KHAITAN PRE SCHOOL it will be displayed here. We are also checking if KHAITAN PRE SCHOOL is providing transport facility or parents need to arrange for transport, and whether it is Co-ed school or not, and other details. We appreciate your patience and rest asured that we are commited to provide accurate information about schools as much as possible.
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