About School
Working HoursMonday - Saturday: 8.30 AM - 11.30 PM
We are proud of Canada's track record of excellence in education, and we want to bring the very best of Canadian early childhood and elementary school practices and programs to India. Our goal is to establish Maple Bear Canadian preschools and elementary schools throughout India. There are currently 50 Maple Bear Schools in India and we are steadily expanding.
Our focus is on building quality schools that will withstand the test of time. We provide extensive training for teachers and for schools to ensure quality standards are met with. All our schools undergo an annual review to substantiate that these standards are being maintained. We continuously seek to upgrade and adapt our programs to provide the best possible education to our students.
Maple Bear in India is a joint venture between Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd, Canada and Modi Edutech (Modi group).
Maple Bear™ - Global Presence
The Maple Bear Education System was developed for Maple Bear Global Schools with the purpose of bringing Canadian early learning programs to children around the world. The programswere designed by Canadian experts, and are being regularly upgraded to ensure that the Maple Bear Education System reflects the very best in early childhood education.
At Maple BearTM we believe that there is nothing more important than our children.
Maple Bear™ - Regional Presence
Maple Bear™ in India is part of the Modi group. The group, which shares the vision of its founder Mr. Rai Bahadur Gujarmal Modi, has always believed that education is significant and integral to India’s development. In the 80 years of its existence, the Modi group has promoted several educational institutions including playschools, schools from Kindergarten,to standard XII, post secondary and vocational education centres.
Maple Bear™ - Offers
A complete Technical Know - How: from setting up a Maple Bear school to operating and financial related aspects. Maple Bear™ also provides Academic Know - How, tha
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Note: We don't have all detail about Maple Bear Canadian Pre school as of now, information displayed is based on data available in public domain. Our support team is in process of verifying school detail earliest possible. Once we know number of teachers and staff in Maple Bear Canadian Pre school it will be displayed here. We are also checking if Maple Bear Canadian Pre school is providing transport facility or parents need to arrange for transport, and whether it is Co-ed school or not, and other details. We appreciate your patience and rest asured that we are commited to provide accurate information about schools as much as possible.
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