About School
MRV International
MRV INTERNATIONAL has prepared a Preschool environment that is calm, engaging and responsive to each individual child at all stages of development. Preschool kids are usually fascinated by airplanes, and this is a great theme that can be used to teach various skills. We are dedicated to fostering the social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and creative growth of the child. We follow an integrated learning curriculum that encourages exploration, play, and a lifelong love of learning. We work to cater to the needs of toddlers whose childhood is precious and deserves to be full of joy, play, love, happy learning, lovely memories all of which could make their childhood. We welcome our children with open arms and give them a home away from home.
The children will be in a clean, safe and beautiful environment, which will enrich their learning experience. Programs are designed specifically to meet the needs of the very young, who are coming to school for the first time. Your child will meet and interact with other children, and explore areas that will help them in developing social and language skills. Our programs are designed for children to achieve their maximum potential. In our environment, the children will learn about themselves and their world, sharing and working together in small groups, building a foundation to skills and self-esteem that can last a lifetime.
Our aim is to provide a broad and balanced curriculum which will support individual needs and allow children to achieve their full potential. Our innovative teaching methods help develop children’s cognitive skills through Inquiry-based learning with active involvement of parents. The Montessori teaching methods and handling of subjects including moral science are sure to make a mark on young, impressionable minds. Respect for elders and teachers are an integral part of early schooling. Yoga and healthy habits are moulded into their everyday school life.
Few more detail
Note: We don't have all detail about MRV International as of now, information displayed is based on data available in public domain. Our support team is in process of verifying school detail earliest possible. Once we know number of teachers and staff in MRV International it will be displayed here. We are also checking if MRV International is providing transport facility or parents need to arrange for transport, and whether it is Co-ed school or not, and other details. We appreciate your patience and rest asured that we are commited to provide accurate information about schools as much as possible.
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Yes, for both boys & girls
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