About School
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Udaan teachers are well qualified and are dedicated in the piois profession of nuturing your childs dream to fly high and reach the zenith of colours. Udaan teachers are busy in discovering the new individual with a different identitiy in your kid. We unravell the mysteries and do the magic of hands by creating castles and baking mud pies for them. Our teachers are trained how to take care of your toddlers soft skills and at this springtime of life our teachers try to develop their spongy and tender minds with the virtue of love and responsibility. Our teacher foster your child with love , care and joy. We help a child gently to learn and excel. We put children on the path of life long learning and we try to cater the overall development of your young one by various fun filled activities and braim gym exercises. School can be so much fun you can come and experience here.?
Few more detail
Note: We don't have all detail about UDAAN THE PLAY SCHOOL as of now, information displayed is based on data available in public domain. Our support team is in process of verifying school detail earliest possible. Once we know number of teachers and staff in UDAAN THE PLAY SCHOOL it will be displayed here. We are also checking if UDAAN THE PLAY SCHOOL is providing transport facility or parents need to arrange for transport, and whether it is Co-ed school or not, and other details. We appreciate your patience and rest asured that we are commited to provide accurate information about schools as much as possible.
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